These are gonna be awesome, Void knows how to throw parties 🙂
I’m playing from 9pm at the Southampton gig (8th Nov), and 4pm at the Bristol one (15th Nov). The tour also takes in Winchester, Brighton and Portsmouth.

Categories: Gigs, News //
Tags: brap, brapfm, Gigs, minimal, outofthevoid, oxjam, progressive, psybreaks, techno, void
Quextal returns to the Void Radio slot on Brap FM on Monday 5th May 2008. Boarding at 8pm (UK Time), as always I’ll be taking you on a two-hour voyage through caverns measureless to man and out into deep space, catalysed by the very finest selections of trippy tuneage this side of Ursa Minor Beta, and paying no particular regard to pigeons or their holes.
Listen Live
Do hope you can come along for the ride. If so, get yourselves in the chatroom — no need to register, just point your favourite IRC client at, channel, or just direct your browser to the Java client.
If you can’t make it, the show will be archived here soon afterwards… darkice willing…
Categories: News, Radio Shows //
Tags: brapfm, outofthevoid, Radio Shows, void, void radio