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Mix: Quexotic Cover for 601
live on NSB 3rd Apr 2011

4 April 2011

I was away for my usual Saturday slot, so stepped in to cover for 601’s show on Sunday instead. A particularly squelchy selection of psybreaks and off-the-hook sickbeats if I say so myself, and showcasing some of the new artists that are giving away awesome tunes for free on Soundcloud at the moment, alongside the best of the current promos and releases…

Bend your legs when lifting this mix – it’s heavy!

Download (164.7MB 192kbps MP3 119’56”) [downloadcounter(quextal_live_on_nsb_2011-04-03.mp3)] downloads

# Artist Title Label
1 Kwah Orbit Station soundcloud [free]
2 Mesmer Bold Beat Scarcity
3 Ways & Means Faint Dusted Breaks [promo]
4 BSD Don’t Do Dat Mental Machine Muzik
5 Projectiles Strange Dream High Grade
6 Blazer Beretta 9mm Divergence
7 Sinewinder & Fuoco Witness [unsigned]
8 Spectral Theory Metre soundcloud [free]
9 Parallax Breakz Unicorn (Xtorsion rx) RUNE [promo]
10 Kwah Proton Perspective soundcloud [free]
11 DBF Going Back (Quextal rx) VIM [promo]
12 Jespa & Bakedbean Khameleon soundcloud [free]
13 Big Mistake Paradigma (Bad Tango rx) Exogenic
14 Bean Wibble Wobble soundcloud [free]
15 Parallax Breakz Phoenix (Blazer rx) RUNE [promo]
16 Re:Creation & Unconscious Mind(s) Inside The Simulation (Broken Eye rx) Psychoactive [promo]
17 Esion Buzzin [Dub Studio Master] [promo]
18 Mood Deluxe Trigger 23 Liquid
19 Unconscious Mind(s) ? [album track 4] [promo]
20 Bad Taste Malaka Funndark
21 Electrux Keep Dancing Held2Ransom [promo]
22 Depeche Mode Peace (BSD rx) [unreleased]

Download (164.7MB 192kbps MP3 119’56”) [downloadcounter(quextal_live_on_nsb_2011-04-03.mp3)] downloads

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Categories: Mixes, Radio Archives // Tags: , , , , , , ,

Artists: BSD, Bad Tango, Bad Taste, Bakedbean, Bean, Big Mistake, Blazer, Broken Eye, DBF, Depeche Mode, Electrux, Esion, Fuoco, Jespa, Kwah, Means, Mesmer, Mood Deluxe, Parallax Breakz, Projectiles, Quextal, Re:Creation, Sinewinder, Spectral Theory, Unconscious Mind(s), Ways, Xtorsion

Labels: Divergence, Dusted Breaks, Exogenic, Funndark, Held2Ransom, High Grade, Liquid, Mental Machine Muzik, Psychoactive, RUNE, Scarcity, VIM, soundcloud



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