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p s y g l i t c h t e c h a c i d p r o g e l e c t r o d u b m i n i m a l
+ b r e a k s t r a n c e h o u s e d n b t e c h n o c r u n k c h i l l +


15 September 2009

Hugs to everyone I met at this year’s superb Waveform Festival. I’ve been to all three of them and this one was undoubtedly my favourite so far, thanks to all the lovely people. Also unexpectedly scored my debut festival set on Sunday evening in the little orange tent. Unfortunately I couldn’t actually see the dancefloor from the booth but I’m told it went down well 🙂

So, if you’re visiting this site for the first time having received a limited edition Mk2 business card, welcome, and hope you can tune in tonight to Psymusic Radio from 7pm (UK time) – please come and make yourself known in the shoutbox during the show (you need to register for the forum if you aren’t on there already).

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Categories: Gigs, News, Radio Shows // Tags: , ,


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